Thursday, 16 February 2017


Its been quite a while since Indian ad world saw a comical battle between the brands. There has been prominent aggressive wars between the brands like Horlicks Vs Complan, Vim Vs Dettol, Dettol Vs Lifebuoy, Pepsodent Vs Colgate and so forth however these were not kidding battles.

As of late the new war began between the chief opponents Perk and Munch. These brands were keeping diverse ways between each other for a long while. Both were attempting to position themselves on various properties ; Perk concentrating on the glucose content while Munch was concentrating on the crunchier recommendation. Be that as it may, Perk chose to jab Munch by propelling the main TVC including the child - Monu leaving home since his dad gave the greater, heavier Perk to his sibling Sonu.

Not to be deserted, Munch countered with another TVC which highlights Sonu leaving the father since he gave the more delectable Munch to the sibling Monu.

The Perk TVC was silly with the brand attempting to beat Munch by discussing the distinction of 1 wafer and 5.5 grams with the Perk.

Crunch however attempted to make light of the grammage examination by concentrating on the taste. The brand entertainingly counter's Perk's claim by expressing that chocolates are eaten for taste and not weight. While this contention is powerless counter for Perk's claim, what spares Munch was the cleverness and the moment battle back to Perk's hostile.

Had Munch not responded , Perk could have utilized the "high grammage " esteem for cash recommendation viably

Crunch was as of late putting vigorously in the advancement by taking in cricketer Virat Kohli as the brand represetative . Liven was battling with the situating suggestion and was as I would see it had a weaker stage in light of the glucose content. Liven was attempting the split far from that weaker spot by propelling a hostile against Munch.

With the two brand's ways crossing now, it will be an intriguing space to look for.

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