Wednesday, 30 November 2016


           "If you focus on your Customer they will take care of your business success."
A Customer is the most important visitor,on business premises.He is not dependent on one business to satisfy his needs or wants,rather in today's world businesses are dependent on customers.He is not an interruption on work,he is the purpose of it.He is not the outsider to the business,he is part of it.Businessmen are not doing him a favor by serving him,even he is doing a favor on them by giving the opportunity to do it.
It takes months to find a Customer and only seconds to lose one.Thus Customer focus is the process of determining customer needs and wants in order to drive the working force behind the company's products or services.In today's scenario Managers in the company must determine key factors about its customers in order to steer its marketing approach.Have you ever wondered how companies decide on how they will reach their consumer target market? Well in my view first they have to determine the demographics of their customers.Who are the consumers? What is their age group? Where do they shop? How do they communicate? Where do they receive their information?Managers identify their target market and create strategies in order to reach those customers.

The example of Customer focus is" Amazon",it is perhaps the most crowded UI on the planet.However no one has done more to bring the power of the community into the grand bazaar of retailing.The first to bring recommendation actively into site,they also bought "review helpfulness".They display not just the rating butth distribution of them.They tell you what the people did with the information as well-did they purchase the item or view other item?They try,pilot and rolloutnew ways to engage,often elevating hte experiencein ways that benefits the customers.
The article "the quest for customer focus" tells that in order to have a progressive development its not just a matter of installing a better CRM system or increase customer satisfaction level,customer focus is very important parameter to focus on. For any company knowing their customer is the prior task or else any big giant could go into dump yard.for example,continental airlines was emerging from bankruptcy because of the lack of customer focus orientation.

In the article, "the quest for customer focus taken from Haward Business Review,author has mentioned about some steps or path that every company should go with.Step -1 is Communal Coordination which covers the part in which a company collects the information about its customer and then organize the information taken from them.step two is the serial coordination in which a company gains  insight into customers from past behavior.companies go beyond just by assembling customer information to drawing influences from it. 
They analyse the information and then pass along their results to users in the business unit,who identify how best to apply it in marketing efforts,building on their knowledge of the local markets.stage three includes symbiotic coordination in which developing an understanding of likely future behavior is done. In this stage company shifts from an analysis of past customer interactions to anticipating,and even shaping the future. And the fourth part is integral coordination which simply is the integral part of all three above parts or stages. Hence these four stages will map a good strategy in which customers are in the limelight. Knowing the customer in a better way.

Saloni Chhabra

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